How can I reuse or recycle a mattress frame
On the Suggest an Item page, Wendy recently explained:
We recently bought a new mattress after our Sleep Number bed (piece of junk, don’t get one) malfunctioned. We’ve saved the frame, which is made of black plastic and a lot of the cloth-like stuff that went around the air part. I was wondering if anyone had some nifty ideas for using this stuff. I am considering using the frame for raised beds or even a sand box.
If it’s how I’m imagining it, I’d make it into a raised bed — heck, I’d make just about anything into a raised bed at the moment. I get a bit obsessed about finding things I can grow stuff in at this time of year. If you already have enough bed space (you lucky duck!), it might be suitable to use as a frame for climbing plants – or if it’s light, you could cover it in clear plastic and make it into a giant cloche/row cover.
(Last time we asked about mattresses, someone posted a link to this radical recycling article – how to use every bit of an old spring mattress. It might be a bit too much for most people but I love the idea of a spring trellis.)
Any other suggestions? Any non-gardening ideas for people less obsessed than me? ;)
Too bad I’m gardening obsessed too. :)
I’ve got a queen bed frame with the same problem – we got a newer bed, and there’s no space for the old frame. So… I had a look, and the one we have has wood and metal in the structure. I plan to take it apart, and use the woods for garden stuff – plant boxes etc, and for a cat scratching post. My cats love that old, ugly, canvas covered bed box, so I think I’ll use the canvas from it to cover the scratching post.