How can I reuse or recycle little washing tablet nets?

Washing powder netThis one is from my mum.

She buys branded washing powder tablets quite regularly and each time gets a little net in the box. The idea is the tablets go in the net and then in the washing machine, and if you don’t use the net, then all hell breaks loose and demons run the earth (or something).

Anyway, as she just told me on IM: “i’ve got quite a lot of those bags,usually stick them under the sink or hang them in tall cupboard for storage” but it seems they just stay in storage.

Any suggestions on what she can do with them?

(If you can’t see the picture clearly, here’s a description of what I mean: they’re little nylon string nets with a drawstring at the top, and the drawstring has a toggle attached so you can close it up, stopping the tablet from falling out during the wash cycle. Because if it did fall out, hell, demons, etc etc.)

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60 Responses to “How can I reuse or recycle little washing tablet nets?”

  1. dan b says:

    If you have any role-playing gamer friends they might like to use the nets as pouches to carry around their funny shaped dice.

    • Fahweerma says:

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  2. anykey says:

    All my bicycle lights go in a net bag. I just grab the bag when I know I will be cycling home in the dark, and bung it in my backpack. Front light, back light(s), and it contains spare batteries as well.

  3. Rosie says:

    loads of uses for these.
    If you save buttons form worn out garments..shirts most especially these will hold quite a ot.
    Craft items too can be stored this way…
    What about putting all your coppers in one, silver in another?
    Then there are many nuts and bolts that these will come in handy for.
    Or fill with oatmeal (not cooked of course..0 the jumbo size and hang undwr the hot tap when it is running… if you have proriasis or just want your skin to be soft these will do it.

    Handy stocking or tight holders too for storing or washing stops clu ick and catches.
    Put your assorted lipstick in one,, nail polish in another.. Shall I go on?

  4. Pam says:

    Donate them to your local school because we can use as many of them as we can get to keep all sorts of things together.

  5. Caroline Senior says:

    You may donate some to me! I always buy Ariel tables and I never get a net. My washing tables always break up and never disolve properly without one. My net has just lost it’s toggle so not working too well. Help!

  6. paula says:

    I spoke to a very nice chap at Unilever who told me I could send my ‘collection’ of these back via Unilever Customer Care, Freepost, NATE139, Milton Keynes, MK9 1BR

  7. Joan says:

    Good for spare change or dinner money for the kids

  8. Amanda Kerik says:

    I’ve never seen these!

    These could be useful in the shower – hold soap and such on a suction-cup backed hook.

    Small delicates in the wash?

    If it was a finer cloth I’d suggest you use them to hold the bits and pieces that float off of bath bombs (from Lush and the like)

    Cover a sponge with this for a gentle scrubber.

    Someone who goes swimming a lot would probably use this to make sure s/he doesn’t lose all the tiny stuff s/he has.

    It’d work as a large sieve as well.

  9. trish says:

    delicates in the wash, put socks inside to keep them from getting “Eaten” by the dryer.

    swim bag.

    keep bath toys in them.

    make a mini basketball net, and hang on the back of a door.

    use it to store hats and matching gloves and scarf for the winter, everything will stay together

  10. Andy says:

    Place some nice smelling soap or other strong scented product, and hang it in the smallest room of the house (wc) to keep it smelling fresh

  11. Ben says:

    Our use (already mentioned above) is to wash small delicates in them. In particular, my daughter’s ballet tights!

  12. Nigello says:

    Why not fill with bird feed, such as sunflower seeds or nuts, and hang them from a tree or shrub? Nigello

  13. Lucy Crawford says:

    Yes please send them to me. My children love catching crabs at the seaside. Put them on a crab line with a bit of bacon in them and the crabs get their claws stuck in the nets. Fish them out, admire them in a bucket and then have a crab race down the quayside – huge fun for all the family.

    If you have any spare please e-mail me at and I’ll send you my address.


  14. Katz says:

    You can put gease balls for birds in them and hang them in the garden. You can also fill htem with dried lavender or other fragrant herb and hang them in your warderobe or put between your clothes to keep them smelling fresh

  15. John Russell says:

    Hey there! Send some to me – I lost all mine, and the new packets do not seem to contain any fresh ones!

  16. christine says:

    all nurseries, especially the one I work in them have a multitude of uses for them.

  17. mrs anita diprose says:

    put one of those little washing tablet net bags on each of your hands. Rub on water and soap and use to exfoliate your face and the tops of your shoulders. This really works!

  18. Delusion says:

    I have a collection of these, when I comb my cats (especially in the shedding season) I collect the fur. Then I fill each bag with hair / fur / feathers etc and hang them on trees near the bird houses.

    Birds love to hang on and take the free “bedding” :)

  19. Sarah says:

    Give them to your local primary school or nursery. In the school I work in we put letters, numbers & words in them and use them as ‘word bags’ for the little ones (a bit like scrabble!). But they have many more uses in a school setting.

  20. Flitwick Town Council says:

    Hello, we are looking for about 30 of these bags for our older peoples bingo afternoons and would be happy to take them off your hands. You can contact us by phone on 01525 631900. Our address is Flitwick Town Council, The Rufus Centre, Steppingley Road, Flitwick, Beds, MK45 1AH.
    Many Thanks
    Stacie Lockey

  21. jonga says:

    hi there,
    I am a visual artist and i am currently looking for 500 of these bags to create an installation art piece. If you think you can help or if you know of anyone looking to dispose of them please email me at or contace me on 07763610199.

    Many thanks

  22. annie says:

    we are goin on holiday to wales with a large group of children and are needing net bags to make crab catching devices? how could we get them?

  23. J says:

    Here’s an idea, though I’ve never tried it: Put those little tiny pieces of soap inside the net bag, and use as a bath scrub.

  24. Gill says:

    We use them at Guide camp. We put soap into the bags and hang them next to the wash bowls – it saves the soap disappearing into slush in the bottom of the bowl. Tends to work better if you can put them so they can be used in the bowl and yet remain fixed outside the bowl (like on a wash stand) so you may need to add a bit of string/cord to the bag

  25. Alison says:

    Purbeck Marine Conservation collect these unwanted nets see the following web page;

  26. You can put a small blown up balloon inside to play with and secure the end. then when the balloon breaks the child can’t put it in his mouth. Just check to see if the balloon can be pulled out of the holes. I am not familiar with this particular item. You can also tie a light ball inside and then suspend the whole thing to make a game where the child hits it. Just supervise in case the cord falls down.
    barbara smith, author of The Recycling Occupational Therapist

  27. Cyndy says:

    I am looking for about 36 of the little bags that come with wash powder tablets. please email me at

  28. jean newbold says:

    I have been looking for 2 for ages as my tablets leave my clothes gritty. Daz do not provide them and I cannot find any anywhere.

    Why not offer them for sale and give proceeds to a charity. I would buy some

  29. debbie coleclough says:

    were can i buy or get some for the kids for crabbing [persil washing net bags]

  30. wendy says:

    have you enough bags

  31. Andrew Walker says:

    You can use them as nets for your garden gnomes to go fishing with and catch sticklebacks.

  32. wendy says:

    have you got enough yet

  33. Ruti says:

    Teachers can use these to group together number cards or other laminated sets of cards.

    Guiders can also use this for the same purpose.

  34. debbie says:

    has anybody got any they do not want?

  35. Samta Kapur says:

    I havent had them with soaps bcoz in India we dont get soap tablets. I have got the from malls where they club things to go together in an offer. They have bigger holes. I kept them for some time. Now i have put my bangles in them and secured it with the plastic tie-ip they have and hung it on the handle of a window with the small hangers that come in new sock packings. It looks good with coloured bangles, they are safe from brakage and i can easily find the matching ones when i need them.

  36. I use them for keeping games counters and dice in for board games

  37. GEMMA says:




  38. Nicole says:

    The toggle would be a great way to keep shoe laces from coming undone during a race.

  39. Fi says:

    These are great for packing, I used these when I was backpacking for keeping small things togther, camera cables neat and smaller things in my wash bag.

  40. Dave Flanagan says:

    These little bags are very useful in washing your window blinds….. just roll 1 up drop it in a bag and tie it………. you can wash about 15 to 20 blinds in 1 go……… super……. bit i have only got 10 bags……so if you have any 4 me……thx

  41. Jake acton says:

    please email me if you have any spare my email is thank you

  42. E Shaw says:

    The best use for these bags is a crab line! For a fun day out on the beach, fill the bag with bacon or sausage, dangle over a rock and will come out with a happy little crab attached who will not let go! No need for torturous hooks! But be sure to release the crab in the same place you caught it, its wildlife and should be treated with care.

  43. Olia says:

    Stretch the net over the canvas for cross stitching, especially for a little girl to learn to cross stitch.
    Decorate a hat, make doll dress.
    Stretch over small embroidery circle and use to seethe things or to dry spices.

  44. Olia says:

    Stretch on a frame and dry herbs on it.

  45. Yoyo says:

    I have been doing a project about the 3Rs, but i don’t know how to do, I need to make either a video a online game. Does anyone how how to make a online game??? And we decided to do a cans all that. How do u cut a can?-

  46. Uluska says:

    Attach elastic to one side around perimeter and use to tie hair in a ballet bun.

  47. Martin fisher says:

    Hi if anyone as a spare persil net can you please email me
    You would be saving my life
    I hate puttin them in the drawer :-/
    Thank you :-)

  48. robert ives says:

    I am desperate to find some of these bags can I buy some please

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