Archive for the "sports" category

How can I reuse or recycle old squash balls?

squash ball and racketWe’ve had an email from Simon:

Any ideas on how to recycle squash balls? I play squash 4-5 times a week so end up with loads that are past their best. I’m sure there must be something better I can do than just throw them away? Suggestions I’ve had were to use them in the washing machine (?), in the cistern to save water, cover them in glitter to make xmas decs or make my own lottery / bingo set ….

I think the washing machine thing is like part of the idea behind washing balls (Ecoballs etc) – they bang against the clothes and the friction helps remove the grim and dirt, or something. That’s an awful explanation – sorry. Can anyone explain it better?

The lottery/bingo idea may seem a bit of a joke but if a local school fair or church fete may be able to use a whole stack of them for just that purpose – so it may be worth offering on your local Freecycle group just in case.

Any other suggestions? Am I right in thinking they’re made from rubber – and if so, what are the recycling options? Anyone know?

(Photo by wizard)

How can I reuse or recycle old golf balls?

Golf ballsWe’ve had an email from Vicky, saying:

I live in Southport and the Open Golf Championship here the other week made everyone golf crazy. I walk my dog on the beach and every day since then she’s brought me golf balls that she’s found on the sands. I don’t play so I don’t know what to do with them but I don’t just want to leave them on the beach to get washed away. Any ideas?

First things first, let me wave excitedly at you, Vicky and request that you give my fondest regards to my hometown. I lived in Southport for the first 18 years of my life – my mum and dad still live there – and remember two Opens (I worked at the last one in 1998; watched, utterly bored, at the one before that in 1991) so know what an impact it makes on the town.

As for the golf ball situation, I guess the most obvious solution is pass them along to someone who will use them – but after time on the beach/in a dog’s mouth, they might not be pristine enough for Royal Birkdale.

Any other ideas?

(Photo by myles)

How can I reuse or recycle a cracked canoe?

kayakFollowing on in our impromptu series of all things water-y, I have a bit of a random query about a canoe/kayak.

Because of the wonders of wireless, I am currently sat our (still not paved) garden enjoying the fact it’s not raining for once and watching with bemusement as our neighbour Jason tries out his new homemade canoe trailer for his bike.

I’ve mentioned Jason’s love of creatively building trailers before but the difference this time is that he’s fixed up the canoe too. He has a habit of acquiring random things in a broken state and either fixing them (as he did with the canoe – although he’s yet to water test it – that’s why he built the trailer, to take it down to the river) or cannibalising them for bits. The previously cracked (fibreglass?) canoe has been fixed, the trailer built from salvaged planks and pram wheels.

But if he hadn’t fixed the canoe, what else could he have done with it?

I guess it could be used as a fun, feature pot for the garden – but a very big one that – if mostly covered like this one – doesn’t offer much room for the plants to surface. Any other suggestions?

(Photo by gundolf)

How can I reuse or recycle a broken basketball?

basketballWe’ve had an email from Ewan, asking:

hello, any ideas on what i could make with a broken basketball?

it looks exactly like this (–>)

and is completely intact apart from the bit where the pump goes in..

We had an old deflated football in our garden for a while (no idea where it came from) and one of the cats, Carbon, decided it was his own private rainwater collector/bowl — but that was an unintended, temporarily reuse.

So has anyone got any better ideas for Ewan?

(Photo by lusi)

How can I reuse or recycle a bike saddle?

bike seatWe’ve had an email from Jenny (who makes cool stuff out of old bottlecaps), asking about saddles:

i got a nice new soft bike saddle to replace my old hard one so i can cycle in comfort. but i was trying to think of what i could do with the old one.

any ideas? i’d love to turn it into something funky and cool or useful.

I have a feeling I’ve seen some cool bike seat repurposing but can’t think where or what it was (although a lamp springs to mind for some crazy reason).


(Oh, and recycling cyclists may also be interested in our posts on wonky wheels rims and inner tubes.)

(Photo by cribbe)