How can I reuse or recycle old stamps?

An old postage stampMy mum and dad came to visit us yesterday and given my dad’s philatelic obsession, we heard a lot about stamps. A LOT ABOUT STAMPS.

My dad specialises in old King Edward VII stamps from around the Commonwealth (or something) but it got me thinking about regular, boring, not-very-collectable postage stamps.

In the past, I’ve heard of various charities that collect them to raise money – particularly stamps from overseas – but don’t know any details. Anyone know of any in particular?

And aside from that, any other ideas about things to do with them?

(Photo by adamci)

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109 Responses to “How can I reuse or recycle old stamps?”

  1. Hi we are a new charity and we have some old stamps we would like to sell for cash to help our charity please take a look at our web site
    Thank you Ian.

  2. we have a wesbite listing charities which need used stamps all over the UK. This is kept up to date and includes the RNLI, RNIB and many others.

    Please share the link wherever you can.

    If you are a charity and need used stamps, please contact us to be included.

  3. Ana Ross says:

    Hi! The nursery school on our road collects old stamps as well. Can anyone tell me what they do with them? Can i give them ANY stamp? International? UK only? 2nd class? Who buys them? Just curious :)

    • anita crawley says:


      I am anita crawley and I collect stamps and will donate to charity for any you can let me have

      please get in touch if you are interested

      01442 251477

      many thanks

      anita x

      I will send the donation direct to you

  4. Lena Aayne says:

    Please can you help us pass on the word about our website? Thank you ever so much.

    Charities can make great use of collected postage stamps from all over the world, common and rare, to fundraise, by selling them on to philatelists and collectors.

    Please, visit our website today to find a charity that you would like to support. The website is updated monthly, and new charities are welcome to be added to the list as well.
    Each charity is listed with the address to send donations to, and the date that they last confirmed their details, so that you know how up to date the listing is.

    We are a free, volunteer run directory.
    To add your charity, please send us the name of the charity, a postal address for donations to be sent to, and a few words about what your charity does. Don’t forget to re-confirm with us monthly so that your charity appears near the top of the list.

  5. Neil Ford says:

    We can recycle used postage stamps and make a valuable donation to the charity of choice. We pay charities a minimum of £15.00 for every kilo of donated stamps you can send us. The quality of donated stamps does vary and we have even paid as much as £50.00/kilo.

    More information here:

  6. Alison Howley says:

    I am collecting stamps for seeing dogs for the blind.
    All stamps can be sent to me at the following address
    99D Dempster Street
    PA15 4ED

  7. andrew wills says:

    Hi I want to start collecting used postage stamps and raise funds for a first aid team that I am a member of and was wondering how much U pay per kilo of stamps and the address to send the stamps to please thanks

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