How can I reuse or recycle … cake packaging?

Cake packagingAs previous posts may have indicated, I have rather a sweet tooth and from time to time, treat myself with cake or biscuit related products.

When we buy them, we don’t fool around and usually get full sized cakes or at least loaf-shaped ones but sometimes we get fiddly, little individual ones like this pack of Viennese Swirls. Mmm, swirly.

The Swirls came in a cardboard box then inside that, nestled in a formed plastic nest. The plastic is really thin and flimsy but still… Any suggestions?

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11 Responses to “How can I reuse or recycle … cake packaging?”

  1. raintheory says:

    I’m not sure how small and thin these are, but we have been using somewhat similar packaging for starting our seeds for our garden.

  2. Michelle Holmes says:

    If in doubt give them to your nearest Primary school. They will find a use for them. Cut up into small windmilss or flowers for a class display.

  3. Emma says:

    I use them when my kids are painting – it keeps the paints separate which keeps the kids happy and I don’t feel bad throwing them away if they won’t easily get clean.

  4. rita says:

    Depending on how strong they are they can be used to safely pack away fragile Christmas tree ornaments. I reuse the plastic boxes and insides from cheese biscuits in this way.

  5. Nigello says:

    You could perhaps make king-size ice cubes with them, or small lollies perhaps?

  6. You could melt down some chocolate and use the packaging as molds and pour the chocolate in… Posh homemade chocolates…

  7. renee says:

    great for decanting single serves of cold rice pudding, custard, meats, etc etc into the freezer. Then you can take out just one portion at a time when you actually need it.

  8. Katie says:

    Making pizza
    These are ideal size for freezing pizza portion toppings in. Any left over food, chicken bits, mushrooms, onions, sweetcorn you name it, it can go on a pizza. Bought pizza has always been a cause for an argument in our house, one person doesn’t like onion, and another hates mushrooms and so on. I tend to make quick pizza bases using pastry; I can’t be bothered nor have the time for a bread mix. Now everyone is happy, as they put there own topping on!

  9. angela says:

    I get cookies in some and the size is just perfect to use as a mold for my homemade soap bars. I usually cut them into individual sections and reinforce them with duct tape first and they will last at least 15-20 times. The ones I use are the size and shape of a soap bar with a ridged design.

  10. Olia says:

    Make ice in them.

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