Posts tagged "record"

How can I reuse or recycle old vinyl 45s?

vinyl_record.jpgWe’ve had an email from Scott Jones:

I have a bunch of old 45’s that are worthless and I feel awful just throwing them out. Any suggestions?

In my younger days, I worked at my local hospital radio and remember feeling the same way when they planned to dump a load of old records – both 7″ singles and full albums. I scavenged the ones that weren’t in good enough condition to charity shop and decorated storage boxes with them at home, particularly boxes to hold my own CD collection just for the juxtaposition of the usurped technology alongside the newer one.

I’ve also seen 45s turned into clocks – with the hands etc sticking through the hole in the middle – and ashtrays. If Scott doesn’t feel up to doing that type of thing, perhaps someone on his local Freecycle group might.

Has anyone got any other suggestions for reuses or for recycling them?

(Photo by andybahn)