Posts tagged "harmonica"

How can I reuse or recycle … old “broken” harmonicas?

HarmonicasIf you live anywhere near Dewsbury, West Yorks (in the UK) and like music, real ale and sausages, you should head down to the pub in the train station this weekend for their “Beer, Bangers and Blues” festival.

How does this link to recycling, you might be saying to yourself? Well, John’s “acoustic folk-country-scifi-gospel fusion band” The Gillroyd Parade are playing on Saturday and like all good acoustic folk-country-scifi-gospel fusion bands, harmonicas are used quite liberally throughout the set.

I didn’t know until recently that harmonicas have a limited life span. I just assumed they were like trumpets or whatever – with care they’ll last for years and years – but the reeds inside harmonicas get warped quite easily (particularly when the player bends notes) and once they’re damaged, that’s pretty much it unless you want to play bum notes.

HarmonicasSo what can be done with these harps once they’re no longer fit for their musical role? Any practical or arty ideas? I’ve included the second picture to show off the individual inside bits of the instrument, which I guess could be used separated.

(Photos by cralize for Wikimedia Commons)