Posts tagged "bath cube"

How can I reuse or recycle bath cubes/bombs?

We’ve had an email from Maggie:

I found a box of lavender bath cubes while cleaning out my mum’s bathroom cupboard at the weekend. Mum says she doesn’t like them and I can’t use them because of my sensitive skin. Is there anything I can do with them or should I throw them in the bin?

As we often say on here, try to pass them on to someone else to use – Freecycle/Freegle them or if the pack is unopened, a local charity shop or jumble sale etc might like them.

Does anyone have any reuse suggestions for if that’s not possible (opened packs for example)? The only thing I can think of is distinctly unseasonal – to make bubbling cauldrons at a Halloween party.

Anyone got any other ideas?